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Experience to remember


At the Golden Donkeys Farm, in the heart of Cyprus in Skarinou, we welcome visitors every day and all year round from all corners of the world. In our park, with the donkeys as protagonists, you will learn many things about the tradition of Cyprus. We organize school trips, corporate parties, wedding and baptism receptions, while during the summer months we also incorporate interactive tourist excursions. Whether you are alone or with a group, one thing is for sure, here you will experience moments of relaxation and peace in authentic Cyprus. Leave all worries and stress behind and enjoy the pure beauty of nature and our beautiful donkeys.


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From Mesaoria to Skarinou


The Georgiadis family is originally from Mesaoria and has a deep love for nature, animals, and tradition passed down from their farming grandparents. The Turkish invasion of 1974 disrupted their way of life, but their connection to the earth never faded. They found a piece of land in Skarinou with an old olive tree that inspired them to create a park for their donkeys, which they started collecting in another area. Their goal is to make donkeys important in the life of Cyprus again, as their population is shrinking. They want people to understand the value of donkeys and appreciate them, bridging generations and creating new narratives for this strong bond between people and animals.


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