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 Brief History


We are Georgiadis Family

We are the Georgiadis family originally from occupied Mesaoria. Our grandparents were farmers and had a great love for the land, animals and tradition. Grandfather Dimitros from Peristeronopigi was a farmer and breeder, while grandfather Pieris from Gypsou had large tracts of land and was exclusively a farmer. Our first experiences as children were contact with animals and nature. Hands full of dirt, feet full of mud, clothes permanently stained from playing among donkeys, cows, pigs, goats and other animals. We were more in the neighborhoods, in the fields and in the yards than in our house.
The Turkish invasion of 1974 came and all that became a thing of the past. Now gathered in a three-room apartment in Larnaca, we grew up with new conditions. Clean clothes, clean shoes, washed hands and a life in the city distinctly different. But inside us the earth was calling. So many generations of ancestors who had sown in us the love for nature were shouting. In the early stages of our lives we occupied ourselves with other things. But something was missing to complete our existence. We missed the smell of the soil and the colors of the sun on the leaves of the trees. We missed observing the changes of the seasons through the blossoms, the fruiting and the harvesting of the fruits.


 About us


The dream seemed to come true when we found this piece of land in Skarinou.


The dream seemed to come true when we found this piece of land in Skarinou. We were walking one day in the area and saw a very old olive tree smothered in weeds. We were surprised by her slender torso and approached. It had traces of beatings. Some were trying to cut it down, possibly for wood. We were saddened and shaken by the event. How can people destroy something that has survived so many fires, droughts, wars and diseases over the centuries. Then something magical happened inside us. As if our ancestors activated our instincts. We desperately wanted this olive tree with all the surrounding area. We asked who owned the estate and claimed it. In no time it became ours. With hard work and sweat we built this park to accommodate our donkeys that we had already started collecting in another area. We opened in 2014. Since then we have been sharing with all of you our love for tradition, nature, Cyprus and the donkeys that without the care we provide them would be in danger of disappearing from Cyprus.
Consider that their population is shrinking. There are less than 1000 on our island, while in the middle of the last century there were more than 100,000. So through this park we want to make donkeys protagonists in the life of Cyprus again as they were in the old days. We want people to know them, understand their value and appreciate them. We believe that this is how we can bridge the generations. The older ones remember donkey stories while the younger ones learn. These animals have always been next to people. Always together in the easy and the difficult. A very strong bond. A bond that is in danger of breaking if we don’t re-tie it with new ideas and new narratives.


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